An agreement between a company and its worker or clients where they share their profit with a fixed percentage is called Profit Sharing. The settlement can be shares, ties, or money, and can be immediate or postponed until pension. Profit sharing allows for changing contributions each season. This is a great way to earn more and more.
(Another way we can say Profit Sharing Plan Is A Financial Arrangement Between our organization and Trader Which You Have To Agree To Share a fixed profit with each other.)
Bullionjackpotcall also offers a profit-sharing plan. We deal with our clients who want to work safely and earn huge profits in the commodity market.

In this plan, the client and company have to follow some standard rules. Likes…
To start work with us, clients must pay Rs.15,000/- as security money. It will be refunded after you stop work us.
- The client should have to share 30% profit, to the company.
- Every Saturday clients have to clear profit with us.
- The client has to trade in a Minimum of 4 lot.
Every Call will be given through SMS after that will be confirmed by phone calls.
- Only confirm ( sure shot ) calls will be given.
- 95% and above accuracy will be maintained.
- All calls will be Intraday purpose.
- BUY GOLD NOV AT 25780 TGT 26000 SL 25700.MCX
- BUY SILVER DEC AT 35500 TGT 35300 TGT 36000.MCX
Our Other Services
- Gold Jackpot Calls
- Silver Jackpot Calls
- Bullion Jackpot Calls
- Gold HNI Calls
- Silver HNI Calls
- MCX Profit Sharing Plan